Doing this opens the palette of Quick Analysis options with the initial Formatting tab selected and its various conditional formatting options displayed. However, I also teach Excel and I can assure everyone that Excel for Mac users can accomplish everything available on the Quick Analysis tool by. Where is the Quick Analysis Lens in Excel for the Mac? I'm running Office Solved by I. Once the add in has been successfully installed you will see data analysis when you click on the data tab (usually to the far right of the toolbar). When you select a range of data, Excel displays a Quick Analysis button in the lower-right corner of the range. In the Add-Ins available box, select the Analysis ToolPak check box, and then click OK. Click the Tools menu, and then click Excel Add-ins. How to Insert a Chart via the Quick Analysis Tool in. In the Add-Ins window, check the Analysis Toolpak box. You'll have to vote for it in the Excel Suggestion Box (as. Excel Quick Analysis Tool | Excel Tutorials Unfortunately, the pared down version of Excel on Mac doesn't have Quick Analysis. Click the File tab, click Options, and then click the Add-Ins category.Load the Analysis ToolPak in Excel Print › support › solutions › articles › load-the-a. Hi all, I'm trying to find the QUICK ANALYSIS tool in my Excel on mac version I can't seem to find it. If you're using Excel for Mac, in the file menu go to.