Anyone who owns Skyrim already owns the Creation Kit. Now, we will finally begin to work with the Creation Kit to create our own items. The wiki has a lot of information on many. I've scoured the pages from the UESP wiki on save file format but I couldn't find where the player's inventory is, even after writing a crude REFR change form reader. For The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, I'm looking for a way to read the player's inventory without having to go into the game to do it. This allows you to become a race not available in character creation, such as a dragon by using DragonRace as the raceID. The Creation Kit tutorials offer a host of various tips, tricks and guides on how to get the most out of Bethesda's modding software.In today's tutorial How. Skyrim Creation Kit Add Item To Player Inventory By hievoulufec1970 Follow | Public